The 13th Warrior (1999)


Many adaptations of the oldest known Anglo-Saxon poem, Beowulf, exist, but going into this film I didn’t know its inspiration, so failed to make the immediate connection.


Ahmed (Antonio Banderas) serves as an Arab ambassador to the Vikings in the year AD 922. His presence in their encampment, along with his interpreter Melchizedek (Omar Sharif) coincides with a child prince’s arrival from a distant colony being threatened by flesh-eating monsters. His pleas for the Vikings to assist them in their hour of need inspire courage in the men and at the suggestion of their oracle, who promises them success in their endeavor, twelve volunteer for the position, including Buliwyf (Vladimir Kulich), their leader. The oracle warns them the thirteenth warrior must be a foreigner, and so they recruit Ahmed. He does not speak their language, nor know how to handle a broadsword, and their amusement at his “tiny horse” makes him an outcast.


On the journey, Ahmed listens to them speak until he understands their dialect and, by the time they reach foreign shores, can communicate with them enough that he makes a friend in Herger (Dennis Storhoi). They arrive to find the kingdom ill-defended against an adversary the locals believe are demons from the underworld. These creatures come only at night when the mist rises and steals the bodies of the dead, as well as the severed heads of their fallen adversaries. This terrifies the locals. The Vikings feel determined but uneasy... that night, two of them perish when the creatures attack the hold. After the second fatal assault, Ahmad realizes their rivals are not unholy creatures of hell but flesh and blood... which means they can kill them.


Though a more “realistic” approach to the source material and different from most adaptations of the ancient poem, The 13th Warrior is an interesting, epic tale full of interesting characters and exciting battle sequences. It was a box office failure and I understand why—Banderas is well known, but his costars aren’t, and the quality of the production hints at its limited budget. The first twenty minutes suffer from a slow pace, but then it picks up and blesses us with gorgeous cinematography. The acting is excellent, and the filmmakers let the audience comprehend along with Ahmed what his companions are saying. It is enjoyable despite its faults, but I had a hard time emotionally connecting with the characters; there aren’t enough smaller moments to illustrate their distinct personalities (humorous instances where Ahmed defends his beautiful white Arabian against their jeers notwithstanding). The style of filming is impressive and the costumes are excellent. It also captures well the gritty, difficult circumstances of the era.


There is no romance to speak of (Ahmed has some sweet scenes with a Viking girl) but my curiosity toward their enemies and my hope everyone would survive kept me watching. It’s a decent approach to a story that has been told many times, but never quite with this much realism. Making the monster flesh and blood rather than a distant, tormented creature was a stroke of genius.  


Sexual Content:

The villains are an ancient, cannibal race that worship a buxom, headless female goddess, whose statue we see several times. Ahmed sleeps with a woman in his arms one night (the audience is uncertain if anything happened). A naked child is shown from a distance running across a field; we see part of his nudity when he is wrapped in a blanket and put on a horse.






Early on, Ahmed discovers the remains of peasants slaughtered by their enemies -- blood drenches the floor and a headless body is shown partially eaten; he moves a blanket and a severed arm falls to the ground. This isn't the end of the gore, either -- a dozen or so times we see heads being severed from bodies, with spurts of blood (sometimes bare hands are used; in other instances individuals are decapitated by swords). Other bodies missing their heads are revealed. Many people are impaled with arrows and pikes, some of them multiple times. Others are stabbed and/or sliced open with swords (mostly implied, but occasionally shown). Blood spatters those involved and onlookers. Animal lovers will be disconcerted by a scene in which a dozen or more horses are impaled on spikes (to throw their riders) and are shown writhing around on the ground. In the lair of their enemy, our band of heroes discover a cave full of bleached bones. Human skulls in various stages of decomposition are entwined in vines hanging in a cavern.



Two other oracles are shown casting bones to foretell events. The Vikings make one or two references to their "many gods"; Ahmed is heard often repeating his belief that there is one god, and Mohammad is his prophet; he is shown praying before going into battle, and wishing blessings at the end on his "heathen brethren."

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