1923, Season One (2022)
I can usually recognize a western
written by a certain type of male author, because it
contains copious amounts of sadistic, prolonged violence
toward women. And this one has so much of it, it’s hard
for me to focus on the good attributes, which include
excellent action scenes, gorgeous Montana territory,
heaps of emotional intensity, and an exquisite
performance from Helen Mirren.
Montana is still rough in the
1920s, but the Dutton ranch is the largest spread
around. A devastating drought has made the ranchers need
grass, which is the same problem the sheep-herders have.
The community get-together winds up in an argument
between the ranchers and the Irish herders, with one of
them, Banner (Jerome Flynn), swearing that he will do as
he sees fit. A lawman besides being the head of the
local council, Jacob Dutton (Harrison Ford) tells him if
he breaks the law, he’ll pay for it with his life. He
gathers the cattle together and drives them up into the
mountains above Yellowstone, to let them feed on the
grass as long as they can, and then sell off most of
them so they survive the winter. But when they reach the
top, the sheep herders have already gotten there ahead
of them and don’t want to give up the land they are
squatting on, which leads to a violent conflict with
serious consequences...
Hundreds of miles away, Teonna
Rainwater (Aminah Nieves) is being brutalized in a
Catholic school for Indian girls, where they are
forcibly given new white names and taught to be
subservient wives and mothers by a dozen sadistic nuns,
led by a psychopathic priest who spends as much time
beating the hell out of the nuns as he does the students
who snap back at them. Teonna cannot submit no matter
what the nuns do to her, which means eventually she will
need to break away from them in a daring escape, which
leads to an escalation of violence and terror...
Across the world, Spencer Dutton
(Brandon Sklenar) is shooting animals for a living. As a
hunter, he tracks down lions, jaguars, and hyenas that
make a habit out of eating humans for kicks. On one such
trip, he meets a fiery English woman named Alexandra
(Julia Schlaepfer) who feels stifled by an arranged
marriage to a prig and wants out of it. On a whim, she
runs away with Spencer for a whirlwind romance, never
suspecting that a blood-soaked letter from home will
call him back to America and lead him to set out on a
journey of violence...
You get the drift, right? I will
start off with the good, but the bad, for me, outweighs
it. The three stories are interesting in their own
right, even if they move slowly and stretch credulity.
And the writer has a wonderful ability to stir up your
intense emotions (anger) and make you fond of these
people, aided by the excellent performances. The 1920s
setting is fun, a mix of horse-drawn carriages and
automobiles. And while the three separate stories don’t
appear to be connected, you know he will wind them
together in later seasons. Helen Mirren is fantastic in
a role that lets her shine as a terrified but determined
woman who will do anything to protect her loved ones,
and Harrison Ford is good as the aging patriarch who is
stubborn as all hell. Although he spent half of five
episodes shooting animals (not my favorite thing to
watch), Spencer became my favorite character.
But it is sensationalist writing,
and by that, I mean it’s not realistic either to the
time or to human behavior in that these people are
constantly running into soulless, violent monsters,
everywhere they go. Taylor Sheridan, the writer,
wanted to shed light on the abuses inside of the Indian
Schools, but he went way overboard. I did not
need to watch girls being beaten mercilessly with
rulers, paddles, or punched in the face for ten or
twenty minutes per episode for half the season. Didn’t
need to see the priest beating and torturing them for
information, nor him beating the nuns. Nor to see Teonna
bashing a nun’s head into a desk repeatedly, punching
her all the time, or beating her to death with a bag
full of Bibles. None of the Catholic characters in this
series have any compassion or humanity or protest any of
this outrage; all of them are abusive, predatory,
racist sadists, which is outright bigotry from the
writers. There was so much violence against young girls,
it made me wonder if the writer was getting off on it...
because there’s more later, against other women.
A character played by Timothy Dalton employs a whore,
who spends most of her time topless and beating up on
other whores with a belt. I wound up fast-forwarding
a lot. I cannot express how uncomfortable all of
that made me feel to watch, as a woman, or how awful it
Beyond that is almost constant
horrific violence, from men being hanged in trees rather
than reasoned with about land division to being shot on
the way home. But it’s the violence against women and
the repugnant amount of bigotry toward Catholics that
will stick with me the longest, and that makes me
reluctant to watch anything else Taylor Sheridan has
ever written, because this sort of thing isn’t new for
him. There are awful people no matter what direction you
throw a rock in his world, from vengeful aristocrats to
lawmen who accidentally kill an Indian woman and just
ride off and leave her to rot. It made me feel
disgusted. I felt so angry at the injustices they melted
out that wanted most of the religious characters dead,
and then I got to see them killed in gruesome ways. I
want to find out what happens to the Duttons, but I
don’t know if I have the stomach to handle any more
sustained moral outrage, and I doubt the story is going
to get any nicer.
Sexual Content:
The Indian girls are forced to bathe in view of the
nuns, one of which is a sexual predator; in the guise of
bathing Teonna after a beating, she molests her in a
long and uncomfortable scene; a long scene between an
engaged couple that includes kissing, undressing, and
glimpses of her naked breasts; two couples shower
together; a short but erotic sex scenes between a
married couple; some innuendo, referencing of
illegitimate children, and talking about being ravished;
a man watches two half-naked whores kissing each other;
another man pays them later to beat each other in
various scenes that combine sex and violence (one of
them spends most of her screen time topless); we see
another couple climb into bed, with her fully naked from
the side.
For a word that wasn't in common use in the 1920s,
the f-word gets said 35 times. GD gets said 6 times. SOB
7 times. And so on.
There is almost too much to list, most of it
stomach-turning and in long scenes that go on
forever. Spencer shoots lions, jaguars, and even a bull
elephant to protect himself and others. He endures a
shipwreck, a brawl in front of a bunch of people, a
sword fight in which he beats up his opponent, and then
chucks him overboard on a ship. Jacob Dutton finds
sheep-herders on his mountain lands and because one of
them shot his nephew's horse (aiming at him), he has
their sheep run off (destroying their families'
livelihoods) and then hangs all of them from a tree;
only one of them survives, and comes back to mow them
all down with gunfire. A hundred men wind up dead in the
subsequent range war battle, with lots of blood; a main
character takes a bullet to the eye, one of the girls
gets hit, and Jacob winds up riddled in bullets. A white
man who has married an Indian woman against the law is
dragged out of his home and beaten up in sight of his
kids, while she's hauled off to jail. Elsewhere, two
marshals search an Indian woman's home, one of them
shoves her, and she cracks her head open on the stove
and dies; he forces his companion to lie and say she
attacked him, before they ride off and leave her to rot.
By far, the most amount of violence comes from the
priests and nuns toward the Indian girls, and vice
versa. Our first scene with Teonna has her being beaten
mercilessly with a ruler because she can't remember her
lesson; this makes her snap, and beat the hell out of
the nun responsible; they are both then dragged to the
priest's office, where he beats them both with a paddle.
The subsequent four episodes contain more scenes like
this, each time with Teonna or her friends being abused,
her snapping and beating up a nun, being punished for it
in various awful ways, until finally she goes on a
midnight murder spree in which she first beats the nun
she hates the most with a bag full of Bibles, then sits
on her, forces a pillowcase into her mouth, and smothers
her, before stabbing a child molester in the chest with
a knife. The infuriated priest sends three other priests
after her, who quote Bible verses and talk about God
while they mistreat everyone they meet; when an Indian
boy calls him on his hypocrisy ("that you act like this
tells me your God does not exist"), one of the priests
starts to beat him to death, before he is scalped and
has his throat cut. The two priests who track down
Teonna also wrestle her to the ground and rip open her
top to expose her breasts (she's dressed as a boy), and
one of them beats her--again. On and on it goes. They
are killed, along with some of the people protecting
her. I got real sick of it.
The anti-religious element to the script is strong. There are no compassionate or moral Catholic characters or Christians in general. They are all merciless, brutal, sadistic psychopaths, child molesters, or hypocrites, who pontificate about God and try to force people to give up their native beliefs, then act morally outraged when the Indians accuse them of being monsters and reward disobedience with brutality. If you are going to depict this, you need a balance of actual Christian/Catholic characters who protest the violence, who "do unto others" the way Jesus said, and who have real problems with the racism on display among their peers... but no one here has a moral conscience.