Passion of the Christ (2004)
New: Mel Gibson has released a new cut of the film that has
removed the more brutal scenes of violence, to make it more
suitable for wide audiences. Shots of the whip and barbs
tearing into flesh have been removed. Five minutes of the
scourging have been taken out. Blood no longer spurts when
the nails are driven into Jesus' hands, nor is the scene of
Jesus' shoulder being dislocated involved. I highly
recommend this re-cut version.
"He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for
our iniquities, and by his wounds we are healed..." The
words from Isaiah, written 700 years before the crucifixion,
are the only introduction to this remarkable film. On a
moonlit night the clouds part and bathe a figure crying out
in a garden, his soul wracked with torment, in white light.
The man is the Messiah, Jesus, who only days before was
welcomed into Jerusalem as a holy man and king. His
disciples are asleep nearby, despite his pleadings for them
to stay awake and pray with him. From the shadows a figure
observes, mesmerizing but evil to the very marrow of his
soul. The shadow is Satan and deception and selfishness are
his tools as he urges the Christ to give up this road, to
let mankind atone for their own sins. But Jesus refuses to
submit to the seductive lies of the deceiver and
symbolically crushes Satan's pet serpent under his heel.
In the Jewish Temple Judas stands before the High Priests.
He has been promised thirty pieces of silver for betraying
the Christ. The coins scatter around him on the floor and he
hastily bends to pick them up. Torches illuminate the night
as he leads them to the Gardens to arrest the Messiah. The
disciples resist but Jesus comes willingly into the Temple
Court. At the moment of his arrest Mary, his mother, awakens
in torment, certain something terrible is happening. John
has managed to escape and comes to fetch her and Mary
Magdalene. They are not allowed inside the counsel but there
Jesus is questioned, slandered, spit on, and sent to the
Romans in order to plead for his execution. Pontius Pilate's
wife Claudia has awoken from a nightmare and begs him not to
sentence the "king of the Jews" to death. But Jesus has been
sent to earth to bear the burden of sin for mankind. The
penalty is persecution, merciless beating, and eventual
One of the most emotionally disturbing but profoundly
touching films to come out in a long time, The Passion of
the Christ has arisen great controversy. As a
Christian I look at it and see only what Jesus
suffered for me. He died for my sins. He went through this
abominable torment so Satan could no longer claim me because
of my inability to be perfect -- the only way God could
accept any of us. I believe every
Christian needs to see this at some point in their lives.
Yes, it's emotionally draining. It's disturbing seeing Jesus
mercilessly whipped by laughing Roman soldiers. It's
disturbing seeing Judas driven mad by demons and hang
himself with the rope off a rotting donkey carcass. But it's
something as Christians we NEED to see. The cleaned up,
non-bloody Easter version is not enough. It's not realistic.
It's not what happened.
From a purely film critic's perspective this film is
visually stunning to the point of being overwhelming. Much
of its subject matter is extremely dark but mesmerizing. The
slow arch of the bag of coins as it flies through the air
into Judas' outstretched hand... a close up of Mary
Magdalene as Jesus cries "It is finished"... the tears on
her face, the wind slowly caressing her hair... the
captivating but disturbing image of Satan watching Jesus
flogged nearly to death with great pleasure, holding a
child-like demon in his arms. These characters are real. You
empathize with the good and hate the bad. For an instant
when he first appears you're mesmerized by Satan, wondering
if the apparition (made to appear transsexual or without
specific gender) is an angel... but then you realize the
truth. The malice in its eyes, the cold deception of its
words. Jesus is someone you instinctively love. You pity
Him, feel each of the blows... flashbacks illuminate moments
of His extraordinary life. The acting is so good you don't
even think about the actors... it's too real. I loved the
enhancement on James Caviezel's eyes... they are absolutely
spellbinding, full of love throughout torment.
I need not say this is a heart-breaking experience, an
exceptionally difficult thing to watch, but it also
contains delicate glimpses into history, culture, and
scripture. It shows how powerfully Jesus impacted those
around him, even those who didn't know Him. Pilate's
wife Claudia and her nightmares, pleading with her
husband to let Jesus go. Peter's grief at denying Him
three times before the morning. The strange, mingled
reactions of the Jewish High Priests at the crucifixion.
Two Roman soldiers forced to proceed with the execution.
One falls to his knees when it is over, having been
sympathetic toward Christ throughout. A woman who sees
Jesus fall in his long walk through the streets and
wipes the blood from his face. Simon, who was forced to
carry his cross. All are touched... all are aware this
is no ordinary man. There are mild deviations from
scripture (namely the Roman centurion fails to say "He
was the Son of God!") and a few of the writers'
additions are unexplained, but the film is one we should
all see at least once. If you're a Christian, you need
to understand The Sacrifice, and if you're not... you
need to understand why we believe.
Jesus is beaten and flogged flogged; his body is mutilated almost beyond recognition by a whip with glass in it. You actually see the tears as they're created and once raw flesh ripping. He's dragged out of the courtyard in a pool of blood. They continue beating, hitting, mocking, and spitting on Him while he drags the cross through the streets of Jerusalem. We endure seeing a nail go through his hand with gruesome effects, then hear his other hand and feet nailed into the wood. (After his shoulder is dislocated.) Soldiers dump the cross over and fix down the bloody ends before hoisting it into the ground with a painful thump. The thieves legs are broken in order to hasten death. The Romans piece Jesus' side to make certain he's dead. A crow lands on the thief's cross and tries to peck out his eye, bloodying the side of his face. Judas shows signs of self-scarring and internal bleeding.
One of the best things about Mel Gibson's film is that
it never comes right out and screams things at you. Most
of its power dwells in symbolism... things you wouldn't
expect but that take you by surprise. Some of them are
downright inexplicable but others more understood by the
careful observer. The following is comprised of theories
about some of the more unusual aspects of the film. If
you have a theory not covered here, or that differs from
our speculations, please let me know.
Jesus in the Garden
Knowing his time of suffering was near, Jesus sought
time to pray. He asked his followers to also devote time
to prayer but instead they fell asleep. Jesus was very
upset but the scripture only says he was disturbed in
His spirit. He cried out to God, pleading for this
banner to be taken from Him, but willing to do it if it
was necessary. It makes sense that at this pivotal
moment Satan would be nearby. He failed to dissuade
Jesus from the path of righteousness in the desert, so
would use whatever opportunity was presented.
The first thing to notice is how mesmerizing Satan is
when he first appears. His form is neither masculine
(though his voice is) or feminine, but an eerie illusion
of both. Satan is not human. He is not male or female.
He is a spirit just as all angels are and, ultimately,
as God is. Films in the past have made the mistake, when
they show him at all, of making him too easily
identifiable as a "man." He is not a man. He is not
human. He is not male. But he is addressed as a "he"
because we have no word for a nonsexual being. I was
pleased with Mel's choice in this respect, casting
someone who had both a feminine and masculine appearance
in the right context. Satan is attractive. When he was
in heaven, he was considered the most magnificent of all
God's created beings. The audience is drawn to him at
first but then the facade is torn in two... as we
realize there's something disturbing, profoundly wrong,
with this character. Maybe it's the eerie eyes, or the
deceptive voice as it encourages Jesus to give up, not
to sacrifice Himself for the vermin (mankind), that they
won't care anyway...
It's the maggot that usually startles people...
appearing momentarily in Satan's nose before crawling
back up inside. Maggots feed on dead flesh. They reside
in decaying things. They're considered one of the most
grotesque, revolting things on earth because they feed
off death. This is important. Jesus represents Life. He
came to earth in order to die for our sins, so that
Death would no longer have a hold over us. Death is
Satan's greatest weapon! Once you're dead, you have no
further chances. You belong to him! Before Jesus' death
there were no guarantees. Only those who gave regular
blood sacrifices in the temple were granted assurances
of eternity. Blood sacrifices were necessary because the
wages of sin is death; something has to die for our
sins. The sacrifices were not the salvation of those who
sought repentance, but merely a means of delaying the
inevitable. There was no Heaven or Hell prior to Jesus'
resurrection; therefore you were not saved by
sacrifices, but taken to a place of waiting -- Paradise,
or Hades. In order to break this hold, Jesus -- a man
without sin -- had to die, thereby taking all the sins
of the world onto His shoulders, spilling his blood (the
source of Life).
This is what makes the maggot important. If Jesus is
Life, Satan is Death. The maggot symbolizes that he is
decaying, a wretched, abhorrent force who feeds off the
misery and blood of others. The maggot is also important
in later scenes... after betraying Jesus, note that
Judas seems to have a lot of problems with his nose
itching... as though he as contracted a maggot. He
frantically scratches his nose and does himself great
damage clawing at his face, as though the creature has
burrowed into his brain.
UPDATED: Also important in this scene is the snake.
Serpents symbolize Satan, since that's his first
recorded form on earth. He came to Eve as a serpent in
the Garden of Eden. As punishment, God said that the
heel of man would crush the head of the snake. Jesus
stomping it to death is a valid piece of symbolism that
sets the tone for the course of the film. Satan against
Christ. Good triumphing over evil. Jesus wins!
Judas and the Children
There are many theories about Judas himself, who has
never been portrayed with so much compassion. It is a
fact that God ordained His son to die for our sins,
therefore at some point someone would have to betray
him. It didn't have to be Judas. He made the choice to
betray his Lord for thirty coins. Now first and
foremost, we cannot categorize Judas as an abominable
character without feeling. I believe he felt there would
be no great damage done to Jesus with his betrayal. He
thought the Holy Priests would drag Jesus into the
temple and scream at him for a couple of hours. If He
made it as far as Pilate, the Roman would find Him
innocent and let Him go. So from Judas' perspective,
this wasn't an attempt to have Jesus killed. That
thought never crossed his mind! It was just an easy way
to make a profit, not realizing their plans for the
When he discovered what he'd set in motion (he even
almost changes his mind in the garden, when meeting
Jesus' eyes) Judas shows immediate repentance and
horror. He tries to give the coins back to the Pharisees
and when they refuse to take them, throws them on the
ground and leaves them. Curled up outside the temple in
the darkness, Judas is experiencing both physical and
psychological torment for his crime. His face is cracked
and bleeding -- either the result of tearing himself to
relieve an inward itch (the maggot theory) or from
internal bleeding; the evil spreading through him so
rapidly that it overwhelms his senses and starts his
brain to bleeding. Some children are playing with a ball
nearby and see him. They come forward curiously and
inquire if he's all right... but then seeing his scars
and state of mind, they start screaming that he's
cursed, under a bad curse for something he's done.
Judas is enraged and grabs one of the children -- only
to discover it isn't a child. It's a demon. They refuse
to leave him alone, chasing him into the desert where he
finally falls down and covers up his head, screaming to
be let alone. When he looks up, the children are gone
(Satan was also seen momentarily among them) and there
is only a rotten, maggot-infested (once again, maggots!)
donkey carcass beside him, beneath a tree. In his
despair, Judas kills himself. I've thought a great deal
about the "children," and here's my theory: Judas was
guilt-ridden about what he had done. If an adult would
have come and taunted him, he would have been provoked
to anger. Because he's an adult, he's on level ground
with everyone else. Children are the symbol of innocence
and purity. To disappoint a child is something few
adults can stand. So to have children (innocence) accuse
him of being "cursed," it drove him over the edge. From
an adult he would have told them where to get off; from
the mouths of children come truth, as it were. So he was
afraid of the children, where he might not have been
with a full-grown demon.
The demons were imitating innocence accusing him of a
dreadful crime, so he killed himself out of guilt and
torment. He couldn't stand them any longer. In that
sense, the children were a representation of our own
conscience. The premise of Christianity is that God is a
God of mercy and forgiveness. Even when we make terrible
mistakes, He can still forgive us. Satan's greatest
weapon is guilt. He convinces us we aren't worthy of
Christ's sacrifice, that the thing we did was the worst
thing anyone has ever done and couldn't possibly be
forgiven. Our head fills with screaming voices,
accusations -- we're cursed, we're dead! what have we
done? we did something terrible! -- the metaphorical
version of the children chasing and taunting Judas.
There are only two ends to guilt. Suicide, which is the
option Judas chose, or getting down on your knees and
begging not only for God's forgiveness, but also the
ability to forgive ourselves. Satan's greatest weapon
against us is guilt, making us chew over something we've
done wrong until it eats us up inside.
The way to get over guilt, to remove the literal mallet
from the devil's fingertips, is to seek forgiveness. The
Bible talks a lot about confessing to others your
wrongdoing and seeking to make things right. This is for
several reasons: once your horrible little secret is
out, other people know about it. The devil can no longer
shame you for keeping something concealed. The other
people can reassure you, help you if you need it, force
you to be honest about the problem. When it comes to
addictions, bad thoughts, things of this nature, this is
very important. You can't do it alone... someone has to
keep you responsible for your actions. Not wanting to
admit failing will help you stay on the straight and
narrow, which means you're not sinning anymore... so the
devil has nothing left to torment you with. Guilt can be
overcome once you convince yourself that the other
person has forgiven you; it's time to forgive yourself.
Another point to make here is what happened in the
Garden, when Judas was hiding among the trees and Jesus
fell over the wall. He saw compassion and forgiveness in
Jesus' eyes... right before looking into the face of a
demon hiding in the shadows when Christ was pulled back
up. It's enough to drive anyone mad.
The Dead Donkey
Brooke's theory concerning the importance of the
maggot-infested donkey Judas discovered on the outskirts
of the city, after being chased and driven mad by
Remember when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday,
victorious and triumphant? He rode into the city as a
king on a donkey. Judas, especially, was anxious to
establish Christ's kingdom here on earth (that I believe
was his biggest motive for betraying Jesus). Seeing the
donkey--the very creature Jesus rode as King--dead,
decayed, and full of maggots was another ultimate
mockery. The donkey symbolized all of Judas' hopes and
dreams of glory. What became of his hopes? They were all
dead--as disgusting as the rotting donkey. Note the look
Satan gives Judas right before we notice the donkey.
Directly after the demon-children disappear, Judas
uncovers his ears and looks around incredulously as if
to say, Oh, they're gone. Then Satan glances at him in a
singular fashion. Its almost as if he were gloating over
his torment. Very good--your hopes are dead, see? What
have you to live for? Just kill yourself; its your only
way out.
Pontius Pilate
One of the best things about the film is the effect
Jesus has on people, even during his suffering. The
soldier whose ear was healed in the gardens. The single
voice of opposition in the Jewish Temple. The African
slave in Herod's court. Pilate's wife Claudia. The Roman
who stopped the scourging. Simon, the random figure
picked out of the crowd to carry Jesus' cross for Him.
At first Simon didn't want anything to do with him...
but by the time they reached halfway to their
destination, he was willing to DIE for Jesus. He told
the soldiers to stop beating Him, or he wouldn't carry
the cross another step. The woman and child in the house
as the crowd was passing... the woman felt something, a
profound grief; the child burst into tears, not even
seeing what was happening. Another woman in the street,
who wiped the blood from Jesus' face and tried to offer
him water. The Roman at the cross who was unwilling to
break Christ's legs, and fell to his knees when the
Messiah had died. Even the robber on the cross beside
Jesus was very charismatic... He was wonderful. He was
everything forgiveness and goodness and light. People
were drawn to Him. He could make things happen... He
stopped a woman (the film presumes it is Mary Magdalene)
from being stoned to death. It makes sense, therefore,
that everyone would be affected by Him. Even Herod
visibly reacts. Which brings us to Pontius Pilate, the
notorious "bad guy" who "washed his hands" of Jesus
altogether. People tend to scoff and sneer at him but he
was in a terrible position. In order to understand him
you must have some back history. Pilate was in charge of
keeping order in Jerusalem, particularly during the time
when the Passover commenced, which brought thousands of
people to the city. He had been incredibly brutal on the
Jews and sentenced many of them to death, so many that
Rome became concerned he was enraging the locals and
possibly creating a rebellion against their leadership.
Pilate was called before Caesar and told to lay off such
rampant slaughter.
You do not thumb your nose at Caesar. They didn't just
kill you back then for disobedience... they killed your
entire family! If Pilate would have sentenced Jesus to
death personally, his wife, any children, and the entire
household would have been condemned to death. He
believed it would spark a rebellion among the followers
of Christ toward Rome. Yet if he did not persecute Jesus
and instead released him, it might rise up the other
Jews against Rome for failing to carry out a death
sentence. You see his problem? Pilate invited Jesus into
the inner courtyard and asked him questions. He found
"nothing wrong" with Jesus' answers, and no reason to
kill him. Therefore he passed the ball -- sent him to
Herod instead, who likewise refused to condemn Christ
because there was no malice in Him. So the ball once
more landed in Pilate's court. He did not beat Jesus out
of malice, but for his own salvation... he would be
whipped and then released. Surely the priests would be
happy with a beating. But they weren't... they wanted
death so badly they would rather have a notorious
murderer released than Jesus.
I'd never really felt empathy for him before this film;
for the first time, when he looked at Jesus and
Barabbas, I realized how shocked and horrified he was
that they would want the murderer back over an innocent
man. Pilate was touched. He knew inwardly, though he
might not have been consciously aware of it, that this
man was the son of God. He was convicted... when he
asked Claudia if she knew "truth when it is spoken," he
was actually wrestling with His own soul. You cannot
look into the face of Christ without feeling something.
It is either a feeling of hatred and revulsion (Satan,
the evil Roman soldiers, the Pharisees), wonder and awe
(Herod, Pilate, Claudia, the Romans at the cross) or
absolute adoration (Mary Magdalene, Peter).
I believe sincerely this is how people also feel about
this film. It's not merely a movie... it's a
supernatural, spiritual experience. You go through one
of the aforementioned emotions. If you're determined to
reject Christ, as so many reviewers and secularists do,
you hate the movie. It's an abomination. You use any
excuse you can because you cannot bear thinking this man
might have died for you. Or you're a seeker... you
wonder if it's true, if Jesus really could love the
world so much he would experience such terrible pain and
suffering for our sake. Or, as a Christian, you feel
overwhelming love and gratitude.
Satan and the Child
While Jesus is being mercilessly beaten almost to death,
he looks up to find Satan standing in the courtyard
holding what appears to be a little baby. But as the
devil's hand drops, the covered figure turns and reveals
a hideous, ancient face beholding the savior with great
glee. This image has, to my knowledge, prompted the
greatest stir. No one knows quite what to think of it
and in some respects I believe it's left up to
individual interpretation, but here are the top
Madonna and the Child
The first thought that enters our mind after seeing this
"oddly deranged mother and child" image is a mockery of
Madonna and the Christ. Satan can appear as feminine or
masculine, whichever he chooses... and at that moment he
is distinctly feminine, bearing what appears to be a
child in his arms. From day one he knew Jesus would be
trouble, therefore he set out to undermine or corrupt
Him in any way possible. When that failed, Lucifer
instead chose to pursue his death. Appearing at a moment
when Jesus is nearly on the brink of death from being
mercilessly flogged, bearing what first appears to be a
child but is revealed to be a demon in manipulated form,
is an obvious mockery of what faith symbolizes... a
virgin and her child. But the "virgin" in these case
turns out to be the Father of All Evil, and the "son of
God" image a hideous little monster.
The Sin of Mankind
Brooke believes the sickly child represents mankind (or
Adam's seed, however you want to view it). Just as Jesus
was nearly collapsing from the scourging, Satan made his
timely appearance to remind Him that "they [humankind]
are mine, and you can't have them." It's yet another
symbolism of a facade... at first appearance we look
harmless and worth saving, but beneath is a thriving,
selfish little monster. Mankind, since the Fall, has
been corrupted from infancy. We are born in sin and
continue to live in it unless we accept the blood of
Christ. Satan meant to do it as a way of asking, "Do you
really want to save this? Are these wretched creatures
worth it?" but only managed to make Jesus all the more
determined. The smile of the "demon-child" is also
symbolic... emphasizing that in our evil, humans too
would smile and mock. After seeing that, Jesus' resolve
only seemed stronger. He found the strength to stand up
and refuse to let Satan take away what was rightfully
Distortion of Reality
What is the normal emotion we feel when seeing a woman
and child? There is nothing more innocent than a child.
This is what makes the revelation of the leering face so
terrible... because it's grotesque. You have an old,
wrinkled face on a child's body. I think it was meant to
show that what God creates, Satan distorts or attempts
to destroy. Satan has no powers to create. Only God can
breathe life into a still being. Everything of evil was
originated by God for a good purpose, and manipulated
later through demonic forces. Demons are nothing but
fallen angels. Satan holds a demon in his arms as a
mockery of his ability to deceive, to give the
appearance of good but reveal the glaring evil beneath.
At first he allows this illusion to produce the desired
effect -- if the crowd were able to see him, the would
think it merely a mother and her baby. But it's merely a
facade, a shadowy pretense of goodness... beneath lies
corruption and filth. This is to show us how truly
deceptive and wretched evil truly is, to gloat at such a
Christ Forsaken
Satan probably knew that sometime during the crucifixion
Jesus would be separated from his holy Father for
carrying the curse of our sin. Satan holding the baby
(in an almost caressing embrace) is like saying, "I take
care of my own, but look -- your Father is forsaking
you, His only Son!" It's yet another mockery.
Mary and the Blood
I am not a Catholic but nevertheless believe that Mary
was gifted. Mothers have natural instincts about their
children so many of the events some Christians would
scream are too "pro-Catholic" did not offend me in the
least. The first is when Mary awakens in the night after
Jesus is arrested, instinctively knowing something "has
happened." This isn't unheard of -- many parents have
experienced the same thing when a child was harmed or in
danger. It's the connection of life. The more obscure
revelations involve the bloodied courtyard, Jesus' room
of imprisonment beneath the Temple, and Mary's ability
to see Satan in the crowd. None of these are overtly
Catholic but can be accepted widely as very real
possibility. The first instance isn't worth dwelling on
-- Mary awakening in the night shortly before John
bursts in to tell them what has happened.
The second is Mary's ability to see Satan in the crowd
while no others can. You might mistake this as rising
her to the form of a mild deity since Jesus can also see
Satan, but it has a completely logical explanation.
Satan isn't afraid of being seen. He likes it. It's
perfectly natural he would reveal himself to the mother
of Christ, merely for the sake of tormenting her. Put
yourself in her shoes for a minute. How would you feel
if you knew your son, the Chosen one, the living
representation of God, was arrested and treated
brutally, and you could literally SEE someone who gave
you the ultimate creeps ENJOYING your son's torment? You
would have a blend of mixed feelings... the desire to
pound him to a pulp, abstract horror and fear, and
disbelief. What better way to torment Jesus' mother than
give her this unique ability? Yet it seems to disturb
Satan... he only allows her to see him on rare occasions
and never for prolonged amounts of time. He rapidly
vanishes again! I suppose because Mary knows the truth,
and that's disconcerting for him.
When Jesus is flogged almost to death, Mary Magdalene is
unable to watch and joins Mary in the courtyard outside.
This is where an unusual thing happens... Claudia,
Pilate's wife, has observed and comes to them bearing a
gift... of pure snowy white linen. I'm still not
completely sure what this represents. Claudia was
obviously on their side; she prompted her husband to let
Jesus go. At first I thought the linens were burial
clothes, but this was premature since Pilate hadn't
condemned him to death. Then I thought they were
bandages -- which is entirely probable. But Mary puts
them instead to a very strange use... after Jesus is
dragged out in a pool of His own blood, she takes the
linen and starts wiping His blood off the pavement.
This could have several meanings. First, it's possible
this was tradition -- that the Jews would wipe up the
blood of loved ones in order for Roman tiles not to be
marked with their presence. Jews hated Romans, and vice
versa (which is why the soldiers were so hard on Jesus).
Claudia might have known that and shown her homage to
Jesus by offering such good linen. Another possibility
is that Mary couldn't bear just to leave it there. OR
she wanted to collect as much of Christ's blood as
possible, in order to preserve Him.
Mary knew her Son was the Messiah promised for hundreds
of years, but He was also her child. Mary knew the
impact He would make on the world and what He was born
to do. His blood was precious to her, ultimately
precious. With the shedding of that blood the world
would be saved. She just couldn't leave it on the stones
of a Roman courtyard.
Jesus' blood was divine and Mary refused to allow sinful
people to trod in it and track it out into the streets.
Satan's Reaction
This scene has prompted much debate. Up until this
point, Satan was always wholly composed to the part of
being lethargic. He was silent figure, an ominous
presence... but Satan is not always silent. He is
violent and profane and cruel and vicious, everything
that is evil. He thought to have triumphed and was
giving a hellish laugh of pleasure. Some viewers suggest
that Satan is on the hillside where Jesus was crucified,
laughing in glee. However...
April believes the devil is in hell. "One of my favorite
shots, although ultimately spine tingling, is of Satan
screaming at the end. Simply because it shows just why
Christ had to go through what he did. He had a mission
to conquer death and take away the keys of hell. It is a
great scene I think. Because the film dwells upon the
crucifixion it needs that shot to show the purpose of
it. Combined with the shot of the temple breaking in two
one is touched by Christ's sacrifice, he gave his life
for us and paved the way to Heaven."
In defeating death, Jesus took away the keys of hell
from Satan. The devil's ultimate triumph in the Garden
of Eden was taking away our immortality. Our soul cannot
be stolen but our mortal life can. Mankind was immortal
in the beginning because they were without sin and made
in the image of God. Therefore really the only thing
Lucifer could "lord over" would be Death. But he was
denied even this, for no grave could keep in the Savior.
It's a sound theory!
Interesting things to watch for
+ Lots of maggots used as symbolism.
+ Demons make repeat appearances as children, in mockery
of Mankind and Innocence.
+ Jesus' eyes -- they change color and texture slightly
and have an otherworldly glow.
+ Anyone evil and/or under demonic possession has
pointed teeth: Satan, all the demons (including the
children, and the "face" seen in the garden by Judas),
the guards beating Jesus, and the blasphemous thief on
the cross.
+ Mary is never completely overcome. She cries but never
falls into hysterics. This is because she knows -- and
accepts -- that this is why Jesus came to earth.
+ The solitary raindrop that fell after Jesus' death
prompted a mighty earthquake, just as Jesus (one person)
was the one drop of purity that sanctified the world of
its sins.
James believes it's not a "raindrop," but "a single
teardrop falling from heaven to signify the Father's
heart breaking."